Testing Services

1. Single Cell Testing Services

SOFCMAN has 8 sets of 100W single cell testing equipments, 2 set of button cell testing equipments and a set of electrochemical workstation the Solartron Analytical 1287 coupled with frequency response analyzer 1260. We offer SOFC cell testing service including I-V measurement, cell resistance testing, AC impedance testing and duration test of single cells.


1200.00 RMB/piece with an active area of 4cm×4cm, includes open circuit voltage and cell resistance. If you need the service of AC impedance testing and long term testing, the price will be higher.

AC impedance: 22.00 RMB/piece

Long term testing: 12.00 RMB/hour

2. Button Cell Testing Services


960.00 RMB/piece, includes open circuit voltage and cell resistance.

3. High Temperature Conductivity Testing Services

The Solartron Analytical 1287 coupled with frequency response analyzer 1260 as an electrochemical workstation can offer high accuracy, wide band, potentiostat/galvanostat testing service.

This set of electrochemical workstation with a special probe fixture and high temperature furnace can be used to test and analyze EIS curves of SOFC electrolyte at temperature range from room temperature to 1000℃. We also can supply other services according to customer's requirements.


1200.00 RMB/piece, from room temperature to 1000℃.

Ms. Zhang Yi, Sales Manager, Email:yzhang@sofcman.com, Phone:+86-574-86688219, Mobile:+86-15306692171
Dr. Wang Weiguo, Director, Email:wgwang@sofcman.com, Phone:+86-574-87911363, Mobile:+86-13867802227