Gadolinium Doped Ceria (CGO)

SOFCMAN offers Gadolinium Doped Ceria (CGO) powder. CGO is used as electrolyte material for solid oxide fuel cells and other electrochemical cells. Ceria-based electrolytes offer many advantages over traditional zirconia-based YSZ electrolytes, notably higher conductivities at lower operating temperature. Specifications on our CGO product are provided in the table below and representative data are provided in the figures on the following.

SOFCMAN has the ability to make material in larger quantities. For more information about our capacities or to request a quotation please contact us. Custom formulations can be delivered typically within three weeks of ordering.

 Product Type  CGO
 Standard Compositions* GDC10: (Ce0.90Gd0.10)O1.95
GDC20: (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90
 Particle Size(d50) 0.5~3 μm
 Crystal Structure Single-Phase Fluorite
 Purity ≥99.5%
*Custom formulation available.

Ms. Zhang Yi, Sales Manager,, Phone:+86-574-86688219, Mobile:+86-15306692171
Dr. Wang Weiguo, Director,, Phone:+86-574-87911363, Mobile:+86-13867802227