Electrolyte-supported Cells


– High Power Density

– High Mechanical Strength

– Long term Stability

– High Planarity

– Customized Size & Shape

SEM Pictures

Technical Data:

 Product Type 8YSZ-supported Cells SSZ-supported Cells
 Electrolyte/Thickness 200±10μm 200±10μm
 Cathode/Thickness 25±3μm 25±3μm
 Anode/Thickness 10±3μm 10±3μm
 Power Density ≥0.35W/cm2@830 ℃, 0.75V ≥0.5W/cm2@830℃, 0.75V
 Size Button to 10cm×10cm Button to 10cm×10cm

Price List:

 Size 8YSZ Cell SSZ Cell
 5cm×5cm 378.00 RMB 540.00 RMB
 10cm×10cm 486.00 RMB 810.00 RMB
*Cell size can be customized.
**The minimum order amount is 50 sheets.
***Packing and shipping fees are excluded.
Ms. Zhang Yi, Sales Manager, Email:yzhang@sofcman.com, Phone:+86-574-86688219, Mobile:+86-15306692171
Dr. Wang Weiguo, Director, Email:wgwang@sofcman.com, Phone:+86-574-87911363, Mobile:+86-13867802227