Companied by a three-member team, Prof. Dave Ghosh Director of Science and Technology NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (Canada) visited NIMTE on 8th November.
Prof. Dave Ghosh gave a general overview of "Fuel Cell R&D&D at NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation in Canada". From the introduction, NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation (NRC-IFIC) was established in 2002. Now it has 160 scientist and researchers. Prof. Rob Hui, Group Leader of High Temperature Fuel Cell gave a presentation of "SOFC Activities at NRC-IFCI". They mainly researches on ceramic expertise, unique thin film deposition techniques & characterization tools, and broad applications. NRC as a customer of Division of Fuel Cell & Energy Technology of NIMTE has purchased single cells from NIMTE for several times. This time they also gave a feedback and wished to further cooperate in the future.
The Vice Director of NIMTE, Prof. Wei Guo Wang introduced our achievements over the last two years and toured them around the laboratories.